Wednesday, 23 March 2011

Steampunk Project Evaluation

When the class handed in the Steampunk project, Jackie who works for
Phaze clothing, who gave the brief to us, came in and viewed the portfolios and shirts,
and initially she was taken aback from the wide range of different styles that were created but was very impressed.
Before she left, i asked for feedback on the shirt, and her advice was that even though
she loved the originality of the fan effect collar and all the ideas and aspects
were in the shirt, she thought that the buckles were too heavy for the fabric,
which could have changed the look of the shirt from making them thinner and using a different fabric
to create them, which i initially thought could be a problem.
She also suggested that the corset could have been moved to the front of the
shirt to make it more of a Victorian style as the corsets wouldn't
have necessarily be seen, the frill could have been in lace to match the shoulder heads
and the frill currently looks too 'soft', which she thought could be
improved from making the frill angular to match the collar.
Overall, i was pleased with the outcome of the project and feel that i have learnt alot.

Strengths -
  • What strengths did I have that others don't? - My strengths were my enthusiasm for the topic, starting a new project and wanting to get the best out of it.
  • What do people see as my strengths? - After talking to Jackie, who works for Phaze clothing, she seemed to think my strengths were the originality of the collar I created and parts of my portfolio. Also my time keeping was one of my strengths, finishing the project days before hand in.
  • Which of my achievements am I most proud of? - I am most proud of completing the garment on time and was pleased with the end result of it, after weeks working on it and changing aspects of it.
  • Which section of the work did I complete well? - I feel I created the
    shirt pattern well with little help and completed the shirt well, as the toile wasn't of a very good standard, and managed to turn it around and create a good final piece.

Weaknesses -
  • What tasks did I avoid? - I mostly avoided the essay part of the project, as I feel I am more confident in my portfolio and garment constructing skills.
  • What do others see as my weaknesses? - My weakness was again applying colour to the final flat sheets and feeling as though I had a good idea of what I was doing when making the garment, and still managing to sew parts wrong.
  • What holds me back? - What held me back was the confidence to ask for help when creating the toile, which I overcame when constructing the final shirt.
  • What are my negative work habits? - My negative work habits were not asking for help as much when creating the garment.

CAAD, week 8.

The past few weeks I have been continuing to carry out self-initiated work,
tracing around all four flats and added fabric swatches on them to create the final
flats for the first board! After the initial surprise of finishing the
first set of flats, i then went on to trace around the remaining
3 sets of flats to create flat board 2.
I still need to think about background ideas for the final layout of the boards. I will
keep the same palette throughout the two boards so they look part of a set
and flow well together.
For the other half of the project, I began to research into the
digital fashion illustrators from 1980-2000, where i seem to be finding
it difficult to collect images from the 1980's and 90's.
Overall, im finding the work successful as im able to do the work
quite quickly and have a good idea on what im doing!

Flat board 2

Friday, 18 March 2011

Final Steampunk Shirt

After many weeks of pattern cutting and days in the sewing room
I have finally completed my Steampunk shirt!
It features a jobot frill, cog shaped buttons, a fan effect collar, lace shoulder heads,
buckles around the arms and a corseted back.
Overall, I am pleased with the end result as the shirt turned out very successful and fits my model.

Shirt Front

Shirt Back

Cog Buttons



Tuesday, 8 March 2011

CAAD, week 6.

After the first few weeks, I now find it easy to work
as an individual, building my confidence with the CAAD techniques.
I have been carrying out self-initiated work, working on my final flats,
tracing around them and adding my fabric swatches that i will use
when coming to complete my final Steampunk shirt.
At the beginning, I had difficulty remembering how to do certain
aspects of illustrator, but soon overcame the problems with help
from the tutor Gemma, and began adding the swatches succcessfully.
Im still unsure on how to shrink the pattern down to the correct size
I will carry on doing the flats at home after downloading the free trial of
Adobe Illustrator to help understand the subject better and create more
traced flats to add swatches to for the next session.