Tuesday, 20 December 2011

University Choices!

As it is that time of year, I have started looking into university choices,
attempting to find out where I would like to go to continue my studies!
Stress stress stress!
As part of my decision in attempting to look for courses,
I stumbled across college's top-up creative practice year where
a friend and I went along to a talk about the course where I got some useful information!
  • 8 month course
  • Project proposal - 3,000 words
  • Project planning - 3,000 words
  • Viva (presentation on work)
  • Development & Realisation portfolio (annotated)
  • Dissertation - 7,000-10,000 words
  • Would leave with a BA Hons creative practice in retail

Thursday, 15 December 2011

AD208, SWOT Analysis.

Strengths -
·        What strengths did I have that others don’t? – My strengths were my time keeping, starting the project early on, allowing myself plenty of time to get the project complete and regularly updating my diary allowing me to create an honest evaluation.
·        What do people see as my strengths? – My time keeping was a strength, allowing me to finish the project days before hand in and coming to decisions quickly when having to change aspects of the design.
·        Which of my achievements am I most proud of? – I am most proud of completing the garment on time and was pleased with the end result of it, after weeks working on it and changing aspects of it.
·        Which section of the work did I complete well? – I feel as though I completed the written diary side of the project well and being more confident when sewing, allowing me to be more free and take more time on creating a successful garment.

Weaknesses –
·        What tasks did I avoid? – I mostly avoided the written side of the project as I feel more confident with the creative sewing side.
·        What do others see as my weaknesses? – My weaknesses are in my sewing skills, as I am not that confident, having to ask for help a lot to make sure I’m doing the work correctly.
·        What held me back? – What held me back was not having the confidence to tackle more tasks on my own when sewing and not researching more into the embellishment placement, as I wasn’t pleased with the outcome.
·        What are my negative work habits? – My negative work habits were leaving the written side of the project until last.

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

CAD Update!

For the past 6 weeks or so I have been dedicating a
huge chunk of my time to the CAD module!
So far, I have managed to amaze myself with how quickly I have
picked the skills up again, managing to create successful pieces of work!
Even watching youtube videos of how to do certain elements on illustrator
has got me all excited, learning how to create my own zip brushes to add to my final sheets.
4 final sheets down, 4 left to go!
As they say, practice makes perfect.